About Me
About Me
I am a doctoral student in the ENCORE Lab at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE), University of Toronto. My research interests include learning community pedagogy and personalised learning with AI. My research relies on co-design with educational practitioners to combine teacher knowledge and learning community pedagogy to develop technology-supported activity patterns (i.e., ways for students to be a resource to one another and utilize dialogue to promote learning).
Previously, I collaborated with a Middle School teacher to explicate the Knowledge Community and Inquiry (KCI) approach to learning community pedagogy. We draw upon the teacher's pedagogical knowledge of implementation and my research-based knowledge of how learning works to design technology tools together with personalised activity scripts that support target outcomes (i.e., engagement, social-emotional learning, and co-regulated learning). Through this work, we aimed to showcase, refine, and explicate the co-design within KCI and the ways in which scripts can be adaptively assigned based on student data, teacher intuition, and students' own co-regulation. (Writing in-progress).
My current research is emerging in the area of personalised learning with adaptive learning systems. Please read more about this ongoing project on my Projects page.
In my free time, I enjoy playing with my puppies and spending hours lost in thought. I also like to try new things (i.e. at one time parkour gymnastics, springboard diving, etc.) but now am content visiting cafes and drinking espressos!
OISE, University of Toronto - Current
Doctor of Philosophy in Curriculum Studies and Teacher Development (Collaborative Specialization – Knowledge Media Design) - In-progress
Master of Arts in Curriculum Studies and Teacher Development (Collaborative Program – Knowledge Media Design) - Requirements Completed
University of Manitoba - Graduated 2015
Bachelor of Computer Science (Co-op Option) First Class Honours
Concentrations: Web-based Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Software Engineering
Minors: Philosophy, Religion
Contact Info
Feel free to contact me@joelwiebe.ca.